Skill Guides
To do this skill you must have completed the Rune Mysteries Quest!
To get Rune Eccens, bring a pickaxe and go to one of the following locations:
Location |
Sedridor |
The lower level
of the Wizard's Tower, south of Draynor Village. |
Aubury |
The Magic Shop
in Varrock, south of the East Bank. |
Cromperty |
East Ardougne,
north-east of the market place. |
Distentor |
The Magic Guild
in Yanille. |
the gnome |
A cave in the
Tree Gnome Stronghold. Head north-west in the Stronghold until you see a small bridge on the west side. Brimstail's cave is
inside a large hollow rock to the east of the bridge. |

Go into the mine and pick at an essence rock. One rock will fill your inventory and
quite quickly.
When you are full with Rune Eccence or Pure Eccence, depending on what
world your in, you then need to go to the nearest portal.
Finding an Alter:
If you have a talisman of the level of which you want to use and all the essence
with you, right click and use the, locate option:
It will pull a certain direction, when you find your destbation click "Use Nature
talisman --> Mysterious Ruins" There click on the Alter to craft them and use a portal to leave. Click here to find the location of all the alters.
* If members, you MUST use Pure
Eccence *
Air Altar: South of Falador. 
Mind Altar: North of Falador, West of the Ice Mountain.
Water Altar: South East of Draynor Village in the Lumbridge Swamps.
Earth Altar: North East of Varrock, near the Jolly Boar Inn.
Fire Altar: North of Al Kharid, West of the Duel Arena 
Body Altar: South of the Monastery, between Barbarian Village and the Dwarven Mountain. 
Comic Altar: In Zanaris, The Lost City. South East of the bank at the end of the twisting passage.

Chaos Altar: North of Edgeville in level 9 Wilderness, South of the Dark Warriors Castle. You will need to proceed through
a maze.
Astral Altar: The South East area of Moonclan Island, reached on the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
Nature Altar: East of Tai Bwo Wannai Village, North of Shilo Village on Karamja Island.
Law Altar: North East of Entrana.
Death Altar: Bottom floor of the Mournings End Part II Temple of Light.
These runes are used for the skill, magic.
Skill Guides