Casting Spells:
To cast a spell is fairly easy. The good thing about using our guide then the offical
RuneScape guide is the guide is a mile long and will take a long time.
Click on the spell book on you console to bring up the magic menu. If you have
the runes and the levels the spell will be lit up, but if you don't have enough runes or you magic isn;t high enough it won't
light up.
To cast a spell click on your desired spell and click on your target. If your spell
is an attack spell you should click on an NPC or another player. If it is an enchantment spell or a smelt with no smelter
it will atomaticly bring you to your inventory.
Easy Combat:
If you wish to combat you may have diffuculties. First of all, armor is not thing
to wear. It will bring your chances of your attack down. If click on your weared idems and go to the bottom it will tell
you your chances. Make sure you magic is (+) and not (-). Otherwise the chances of killing your opponet are slim and will
be diffcult. Plus, you will use more runes then nessery. (Did you know, capes bring up your magic?)
If you do not wish to wear out your mouse destroying enimies direcly from your Magic
Book Console, you don't have to!!! Go to Zaff's Staff shop in Varrock. The staffs can get pricey:
Battle Staff - 7,000gp - Crafting/Magic Idem,
no need! (at current time)
Staff - 15gp
- Nothing, for looks, no need!
Magic Staff - 200gp - Brings Magic up a little
Elemtal Staffs - 15,000gp - Bring Magic up good, unlimted Runes for the selected
Click here to see staffs guide from RuneScape's offical guide!
Now that you have seleted you desired staff(s) let's get started. No matter the staff
this works, wield your staff. BEFORE ATTACKING click on the 'Attack Styles Console'. At the bottom will be a button called
"Attack with..." Click on it, then click on the book beside it. Now choose your spell. Then it will say, for example: "Attack
with Fire Wave". Now attack your opponet. You are now using your staff to attack. If you got one of the four Elemental Runes,
you will have unlimted runes for that certain element.
I have never done Desert Treasure. So I have not experienced the Ancient Magic Spells
so I would make a slowpy guide so you'll have to settle for RuneScape, but try Sal's Realm. I don't currently have any links.