This Mini-game is for members only!!! This is also a safe mini-game. If you die you will not lose anything.
The Offending Truth: Before you even so much as THINK as playing this mani-game, here are
the recommendations:
60+ Combat 50+ Strengh 60+ Attack 40+ Defence The abilty to LISTEN! The abilty to GET ALONG! Getting
around barracades from Castle Wars as fast as possible
The sad truth is that hardly anyone can! Anyone without these should stick to Castle Wars. Due to the recent update, stick to your own level or lower. Do not go higher. You'll just be in the way!
How NOT to be called a 'noob': If you do not obey the rules of this cadergory you WILL
be treated badly.
- When you open a door, close it!!!
- Do not use a special attack when destroying portals.
- Do not be selling or buying while in the mini-game or on the boat. (Only in the bank!)
- Do not kill uneeded kills
- Stay on one side of the door (depending on your posts)
Posts: There are sevral places to keep command of.
- Protecting Void Knight from melee
- Protacting Void Knight from ranged (requiers hand skill to open and close doors quickly, to avoid anything getting through)
- Portal killer
- Spinner Killer
- Ravager Killer
If you do not assume one of these posions you are pretty much worthless!!! This is where people WILL disrespect
Portals: All Monters in this mini-game are connected to the portal. There are two ways to win: Protect
the knight for 20 minites or kill the portals killing all monsters. Everytime a portal is destoryed you may notice a group
of mosters disappear. Although there are some hard ways to destroy the portals. To see a map of portals click below:

Destroying the Portals:
This is a highly diffcult procidure as they are all defence letting out the hardest of monsters from another realm. Destroying
these will make the game easy as read above.
There are monsters known as Spinners, these heal the portals. Before be able to destroy the portals, you will have to
destroy the spinners.
Do not use Special Attack! I cannot say it enough. Special Attack relises a lot of monsters. The best thing to do is
put it back on you best combat skill and hit to portal.
Although out of all this grief there is SOME good that'll make you life just a little but easier. You can Poision!!!
Use your Daggers, spears, knives, and arrows that are, (p), (p+) and (p++)!!!

Not only are they big and strong, but they protect there portal. These are not the ones known to wonder off! If you were
fighting these and find yourself in Lumbridge, you know they hit you!

This pest is a ranging dude! He can range far distances! RuneScape calls his ammo: balbs! Beware of high level of
these. Thesecan kill the Void Knight easy!
These are mole like creatures that go around tearing of defences such as baraicades and the doors. If you are denfending
these should be the first thing to go!
These annoying little thing can sure get around! He teleports from place to place! If your up in a tower, these little
brats will come up and pound on ya! Now matter where you go, your not safe. They are melee based! But they also have the bad
habit of showing up where there not wanted! They usally teleport to the Void Knight herself and can make
a mess of the little party you were havin'! So that's why you have to make a mess outta them!
Spinner: Levels: 37, 55, 74, 87, 92 Spinners stay next to the portal and heal them. If you are attacking
the portal, the spinner should be the first thing to go!!! These are extramly dangerous because they heal the portal! These
use there spider-like legs to attack. They are infact, melee based!
These fly around and attempt to kill the knight! The Torcher is a mage based creature. Similarly to the defilers and torchers
will use long-distance attacks! These do not litterly fly over stuff and up to stuff. They, kinda hover!
I hope you have learned much from this. Remember, the key to RuneScape is to have fun. do not get over worked out whe
having problems. Remember, if you're having troubles in one world switch to another. They three key worlds (as of 5/29/08)
is 53, 115, 144. Stick to these worlds for the best.