Required Skills, Quests, and Items:
20 Crafting
25 Thieving
to defeat a level 51 monster
In Peril
-Restless Ghost
of GhostSpeak
-5 Thread
-3 Bronze Wires
-1 Silver Bar
Starting The Quest:
Go to the center of Canifis. There will
be a sign in the middle. Read it to begin the quest. Then go northeast and speak to Dr. Fenkenstrain. He will tell you he
needs body parts to buid a creature. He needs: A pair of arms and legs, a torso and a head.
Collecting the Parts:
Go though the house to the garden in the
back. Ask him "What happen to your head?" He will talk a while and he'll tell you to take him to the honted woods, head south.
Talk to him and he'll tell you which way to go. Sorta like a talasmin, when he tells you this is the spot, start digging.
Now head back to the bar. Pick up the pickled brain, he wants to sell it to you 50gp. Do it! Use the Pickled Brain with the
Head you dug up. Now head up the castle. Use the Head with the Doc.
Go up the stairs Northwest
stairs and search the bookcase for "The Joy in Gravedigging" It will unlatch a secret door and a "Marble Amulet" Will pop
out. Go to the East Side and the same thing will happen when you search for "Handy Maggot Avoidance Techniques" and you'll
get a Obsidian Amulet.. Use them togeather to make a Star Amulet.
Leave the house and follow the road east
to a graveyard. Use the amulet with the grave to the far east. Then push it open. Go down and kill the experiment that has
a wolf body and a human head. It will drop a carven key. Go to the Northwest path untill you hit a gate. Make sure it's
the really twisty one. Once though the gate and up the ladder you will find 3 graves to the north. Dig in front of each one.
Then Push the memorial to the South. Now head back to the house. Once back use each body part with the Doc.
Lighting Rod:
Go talk to the gardener. Ask him for a
key to the shed. Go to wardrobe and open then search it. You'll get a Garden Brush. Go out and get 3 canes
from the pile. Use the cane with the brush to extend it. Go to the fireplace on the West side in the room where you found
the amulet. (Make sure you aren't hitting the fireplace surrond.) A contructor mold will fall out of the chimny. Now head
down to Al Kharid. Once you have the Contructor, go up stairs and then go up the southern most ladder.
Repair the mold and it will lighting and melt it. Go back down the the doc.
The Tower:
Talk to the doc. He says the monster
is trying to kill him to he tricked and locked it in the tower. He gives you a key. He tells you to "KILL IT!!!" Go upstairs
and then to the northern most laddern. Talk to the monster. He will tell you the truth about Freinstien. Go back and pick
pickpocket him to complete the quest.