Grumpy Father Urhney:
Once inside, speak to Father Urhney. The father will tell you to go away. Tell him
Father Aereck has sent you. What ever you say he will give you the Amulet of Ghost Speak. Head back up to Lumbridge.
The Restless Ghost:
Go to the Graveyard. Open the coffin and the Restless Ghost will come out. Talk to
him. He will be amazed you can understand him. He will ask you if you can understand him, say "yep". He will freak out! You
and him will figure out, you need his skull from the Wizards Tower.
The Skull:
Go to the Wizards Tower South of Draynor. For a shortcut, go to the Genreal Store
and west, you will find a path that leads directly to the tower. Once at the end of the path head south. Once in the
tower, head down stairs. Pick up the skull and RUN! Head back to the graveyard.
Completing the Quest:
Go inside the little house, open the coffin, and use skull with coffin. You will
see a very brief viedo, then the Restless Ghost will Rest In Piece.
1 Quest Point
1125 Prayer Points - Will bring Prayer from 1-10
GhostSpeak Amulet - Go back to father Urhney if lost