The Restless Ghost
Ernest the Chicken
Priest in Peril
Level 18 Slayer
Level 19 Crafting
Level 30 Ranged
Level 35 Woodcutting
GhostSpeak Amulet
5 Iron Bars
Mithril Axe
Holy Symbol (of Saradomin)
Polished Buttons (Buttons
pickpocked from HAMs)
Hard Leather
Needle and Thread
Starting the Quest:
To start the quest speak to Ava who is in the hidden room of Draynor Maynor. She
will tell you she is not satified with her home and asks you for help. Tell her you'd be happy to help. She will then ask
you to help fix her bed for a reward. She needs a couple of undead chickens. These are lcoated on the farm in Port Phasmatys.
Your Translater, in the Flesh!:
To Leave the Draynor house, go through the kitchen. Go to Port Phasmatys
farm. It has an allotment by it. Speak to Alice's Husband. You need you ghostspeak amulet!
He will tell you to tell Alice he still loves her. Go to Alice and tell her you're doing a quest. Then you'll go back and
forth for a while.
Aletered GhostSpeak Amulet:
There is a small building west of the Fenkenstrain's Castle. Take
off you're amulet and talk to the Old Crone twice. When you get the amulet head back to Alice's Husband. You
will give him the amulet. Speak to him, again. You will see a cut-scene. Then buy 2 undead chickens, (Cost of 10 Ecto-Tokens
Each). Go back to Ava and speak with her.
Drawn to Nature:
You need to speak to the Witch about the magnet Ava ask you to get. She is northwestern
kitchen. Speak with her. If you have 5 iron bars with you, speak to her twice. She will make them into a magnet. Head
to the Rimmington Mine. Once in the mine, make sure you are headig north and use your hammer with the "Selected
Iron". Then it will become an offical magnet.
Holy!... An undead tree!:
Head back to the maynor. Talk to Ava. She will ask you to get her undead
wood from the tree that attacks you. Go to the tree and try to cut it down. The axe will bounce off the tree. Go talk
to Ava. After speaking with her, head off to the Slayer Master in Burthorpe. Talk to him and tell him you're here about a
quest. If you have your mithril axe and your holy symbol (or Saradomin) with you talk to him again. When you get you're new
axe it will be silver instead of red at the end. Head back down to the Maynor. On the way inside chop 1 twig off the undead
tree. Head back and talk to Ava.
Finishing the Quest:
Then you will get translations. Put them togeather as shown below: