
Holloween 2007

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Orginally Written by: JJohnston
Special Thanks to: Heather MY
Oct. 22 - November ??
No images on this guide is from That RuneScape Site.
It's that time of year again! Yes the year where you lock your doors and turn off the lights and pretend you arn't home so you can play RuneScape in piece. Anyways, here's the Halloween 2007 guide! Enjoy!
First Off:
First off you need to find the holiday thing. It's just south of falador. Look for the  symbol on your mini-map. You'll come up to a POH portal. The closer you get the darker it get's.
Talk to Grim. Grim will tell you to do some chores because his old servent 'passed on'.
He wants you to go into his garden. When you get there, he tells you to retreave his old servents skull. The path is diffrent for everyone (I think). Once out go talk to him again.
Grim's Dead Room (What? It sure ain't living!):
Well, now you must go around and collect all the stuff in the room.

Now it's time to put everything back up where it belongs. Read through the book. You can just use the guide but you still have to go through it.
Grim's Robe     Fireplace
Hourglass       Fishtank
Lastwill        Couch
Bones           Chest
Syth Sharpener  Cabnit
Eye             Shelf
Voice of Doom   Bookcase
Once that's done go talk to Grim. Grim tells you the final task is upstairs.
A Grim Coarce:
Go upstairs and arcoss the cliffs. Then into a pool of green goo. Once through is the tricky part. You'll have to avoid the trap doors.

After completing it, Grim will give you a Grim Hood as you can see in the box below:

You will also recieve a new emote:

First off, I wish to stress that the image you see below is strictly from Sal's Realm of RuneScape. No part of this image has anything to do with That RuneScape Site. We just snatched it.




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