Speak to the Golem. He will say all this I am broken junk and ask him if you want you to try to repair him. He will say
"Repairs needed." Use all the clay with the golem. He will then ask you to fight a great demon off by opening a portal. Talk
to him again and ask him how to open the portal.
Go downstairs and speak to Uzer. Go to the northwest room and pick up the "Strange implement". Go back outside and to
west by a crate there is a letter. Pick up the letter.
The Digsite:
Now you have to go to the dig site. The digsite is east of Varrock. Sothern gate. Once there, speak with Elissa.
She is in the northeast of the digsite. Speak with her.
Now go toward the gate and go into the building on the east of the gate. Search the book case in the southeast corner.
Now head over to Varrock Museum. Steal from the Curator and use the small key you got with the display cabnit upstairs.
Convince the Golem:
When you back down there put the stattue back on the alcove. Make sure they are all pointing north. Enter the door.
Walk north to the throne. Use your chisel to get the jewels.
Go up and speak with the golem two times. Now follow the map below to find a Pheonix Bird.